Where Truth Is More Important Than Traditions or Trends
Looking for a real church instead of a "non-profit, corporate, religious institution"?
35th Avenue Baptist Church is a biblical church through and through. We major on being subject to the Word of God, not following traditions or trends. We are independent of the "Independents". We are completely dependent on God and His Word.
We're not concerned with the "bells and whistles" of typical religious institutions. We focus on trusting the Word of Christ, our Saviour, and letting Him mold us into what He wants us to be. Everything else will fall into place in His time. Built on the Rock of God's Word
![]() Courtesy of Rachel Newman
While we use only the KJB (King James Bible), we welcome those who do not. We are confident you will come to understand and appreciate the promise of God to preserve His Word.
Hungry to Know the Truth?
Tired of following traditions without knowing why, of doing things because "you're supposed to", of not having your deepest longings satisfied?
When you've had enough "junk food", 35th Avenue Baptist Church is the place to get real Bible preaching and teaching where we "prove all things" from the Word of God. (1Thessalonians 5:21) You have a right to KNOW the truth and to be confident in it without apology. Schedule of Regular Meeting Times
We are a soul-winning church. Not a week goes by, but what someone in our church leads someone else to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ!
If you are not sure that you will go to heaven when you die, read this. You'll Never Be More Loved
While we stand strong for Truth, we also love deeply. Everything we do is based on love for God and love for our neighbors.
"...Come thou with us and we will do thee good..." Numbers 10:29
Have a question or comment? Call, write, or send us an email.
Note: There is much we long to offer on this website, but we are very limited in time. Please check back for additional content. Usually, there will be new material added weekly, some additional content will be within the text of an existing article. Our goal is to provide the absolute truth on anything we present. The "We the People" page will have material with which we do not agree 100%, but consider important enough to present for the benefit of your own study. The same goes for the Links page. If we are ever in error on any matter, when proven so, we will make the corrections immediately and do our best to get the word out to as many as may have been affected by the error.